You want to keep a value in a cell in EXCEL (Excel) but hide it from the screen.
This is a technique you can use in such a case.
(1) Set the cell text color to “white”

It is a simple idea, but if you set the text color of a cell to “white”, it will be the same color as the background color, so that it looks “invisible on the screen”.

Simple, but recommended.

The above is the first method. Next is the second method, which is a different way to hide cells.
(2) Use the “Format Cells” method.
You can also use “Hide Cells” in “Format Cells”.
Select the cells you want to hide and press Ctrl+1 to display the cell formatting.

Enter three user-defined “; (semicolons)”.

Then, strangely enough, the cell’s value will be hidden!
The values are still inside, as they were.

The user-defined formatting of a cell is
- Positive
- Negative
- 0 (zero)
- String
Combination of
- Positive before the first “;”.
- Negative before the second “;”.
- 0 before the third “;”.
- The third “;” is followed by the string
The rule is
positive ; negative ; 0 ; string
In other words, “;;;” and three semicolons in a row means “none of the above”.
This is a little trick, but it is very useful to remember it.
Two ways to hide the apparent value of a cell
Set the cell text color to “white.
Use “Format Cells”.
Please refer to the following. ^^