When you want to join cell data of columns and rows in Google Spreadsheet, you can use “& (Ambasand)” to join them, but this function can be used when you want to join multiple columns together.

CONCAT Function
The CONCAT function can be used to combine multiple ranges or strings of text.
CONCAT(text1, [text2],...)
However, with the CONCAT function, an error is displayed when a range is specified.

The CONCATENATE function is a function that can be used in such cases.
The CONCATENATE function can be used to combine two or more strings into a single string.
CONCATENATE(string 1 [string 2], ...)
The CONCATENATE function allows a range to be specified.

We were able to link them all at once!

The TEXTJOIN function can also be used for merging.
TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore empty cells, text 1, [text 2, ...])
The first argument is blank, the second argument is true, and the third argument is a range.

Then the specified range is combined.

The CONCATENATE function is useful for concatenating column values all at once.
Please refer to 😃.