Let’s create an EC site by linking STORES products with WordPress. Continuing from the previous session.
What is STORES?
This is an online EC site creation service that allows you to easily create an online shop. You can start from the page below.
Click here to create a STORES account

Link product pages to external sites
Last time, I was able to create a product page!

Sell on external pages
STORES allows you to place buttons on external pages. When you open “Store Settings”, there is a menu at the bottom called “Set Button”.

You can create buttons for embedding externally.

After selecting the product, press “Generate Paste Code”.

Then, the paste code will be displayed, so copy it.

Embed in an external site (WordPress)
Then embed it on an external site. After creating your custom HTML block, paste the embed code.

Then publish the page.

It was completed!

Click to open the product purchase page.

When you press the purchase button, you will be taken to the product purchase page of STORES.

Embedding STORES is working fine!

I was able to purchase it! !

WordPress and STORES are now linked and you can now purchase products! If it is a small to medium-sized EC site, it seems that it can be created using this method.
Please refer to it 😃
Click here to create a STORES account